Summer Camps 2011
Time: 8am -1pm
Pack a lunch, snack provided. Bring a swimsuit, shorts and sandals for non-riding time. After Camp care available for added fee.
Beginner Basic Horsemanship: $105 June

Intermediate Western and English: $105
Designed to challenge and improve riding/communication skills while increasing self confidence. Games, patterns, and obstacles are taken to a higher level of completion by using longer lines, round pen, and multiple horses.Ground work and riding continues to combine all skills with multiple horses. Trails are included and work with trotting for longer periods of time, possibly swimming with the horses too!
Advanced Western and En

Ok! So all you adults that have kids with horses or have wanted to have a horse, or you have a horse but would like to learn more now is your time! This camp is specially designed to familiarize yourself with all aspects of owning horses. Topics covered are: nutrition, housing, fencing, laws, trailering, insurance, diseases, and preventative medicine.
Also you will be riding, driving, and trailering horses. Even if you already own a horse here you can expand your knowledge and keep moving forward. Space is limited, so please put your deposit down today! Discount if you bring your own horse.
Trail Trackers!! $25/trip
Explore the Maine Wilderness by horseback!! Several day trips around the local area. Must have access to a trailer to transport own horses! Pack a lunch and lets go! Must be able to canter or lope, & fit to ride for 2+ hrs.